Senator Enverga Sponsors Latin Heritage Month Bill
BILL SPONSORED BY SENATOR ENVERGA PASSES: Bill S-218, an act respecting Latin American Heritage Month Act
An Act respecting Latin American Heritage Month (Bill S-218) was passed unanimously (300-0) at the House of Commons today, June 21st, 2018. The Bill was first sponsored by the late Senator Tobias Enverga Jr. and designates every October as “Latin American Heritage Month”.
(Read the Senator’s Speech from 2015 – https://www.facebook.com/pg/SenatorEnverga/photos/?tab=album&album_id=891965337564007)
“This legislation recognizes the many significant contributions to Canada’s social, economic, and political fabric by Canada’s Latin American community. This legislation, conceived and carefully fashioned by our late colleague and former senator, the Honourable Tobias Enverga, will stand, I am sure, as a major element of his political legacy. ” -MP Peter Kent, House Sponsor of the Bill (May, 2018)
“Today we remember his (Senator Enverga)’s work on behalf of all Canadians.” -Senator Larry Smith
Read more – http://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/BillDetails.aspx?billId=8101968&Language=E&Mode=1
Honourable Senator Tobias C. Enverga Jr., 1st Canadian Senator of Filipino Descent. Humble Public Servant, Champion of Multiculturalism, Voice for the Special Needs.
Senator Enverga (1955-2017) was born in Lucena, Philippines and moved to Canada in the 1980’s. He later became the first Canadian of Filipino descent to be elected in the City of Toronto as a Toronto Catholic School Board Trustee and in 2012, Enverga became the first Canadian of Filipino descent to be appointed to the Senate of Canada.
About the Senator: http://senatorenverga.com/senator-enverga/
For more info. visit www.senatorenverga.com
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