Question Period April 12, 2017

Polling Costs

Hon. Tobias C. Enverga, Jr.:  My question is for the Leader of the Government in the Senate.  On March 14, Le Journal de Montréal reported that, over the course of its 16 months in office, the Privy Council Office under this Liberal government has spent over $2.5 million to test public opinion through polling and focus groups.

In contrast, the Privy Council Office under the previous Conservative government spent $2.49 million on public opinion research over eight years.

The Hon. the Speaker:  Excuse me, Senator Enverga.  The time for Question Period has expired, but if you want to ask a question right away, you may.

Senator Enverga:  My question is:  Could the Leader of the Government in the Senate please explain why polling costs have skyrocketed under this prime minister?

Hon. Peter Harder (Government Representative in the Senate):  Let me simply assure the honourable senator that I will seek an answer to his question.